Saturday, March 8, 2025

Beautiful Change?

How do you feel about change?  Are you a change agent... on the front edge of change or a little more cautious?  We are going through unprecedented changes right now in our country and in the world.  What are your thoughts and feelings?

I came across an interesting photo on Facebook a few weeks ago:  a composite of twelve pictures of the sun over twelve months, taken from the same location and at the same time.

Isn't it beautiful to see the pathway of the sun in relation to the seasons of the year?

What changes do you see when you step back?
(Photo credit:  Beautiful Nature, Facebook group)

This photo demonstrates the ebbs and flows of nature when we step back a month at a time.  It illustrates the changes that we experience but sometimes forget or take for granted.

Change is always happening around us -- whether we admit it or not!

Are there times when life is cloudy and unclear?
(Photo: Cloud-Filled Sea Day, Larry Gardepie)

So back to the changes in our country and the world:  how are you experiencing them?  Moment by moment... or... stepping back and noticing the arc of where we are headed?

Are you concerned about the changes?  Why?  Are you okay with the changes?  Why?

When is change beautiful?
(Photo:  Flaming Sunset at Sea, Larry Gardepie)

Without trying to convince a partner, friend, or work colleague, are you able to:

  • Talk about what you are seeing, thinking, and feeling?
  • Listen to other perspectives and perceptions?
  • Understand how change may be dividing or uniting us?

I believe this type of dialogue is necessary: that ability to talk about our fears and concerns, our agreements and acceptance, and where this arc of change may be taking us.

Without sharing our hopes and concerns, we won't be able to step back and distinguish the seasons of change nor the beauty of relationships.

Larry Gardepie

Dialogue San Diego Consulting

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