Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hope Continues: A Time to Listen and Reflect

Have you noticed when storm clouds move in how our day-to-day activities change: limited mobility due to rain, ice or snow; layering of clothing to protect and keep warm and dry; cautious actions as we drive or walk?  The clouds signal that change is coming; and our perceptions, history, and interpretations influence the actions we decide upon.

As the storm lingers or winter progresses, we may find that our moods shift as we look toward brighter days.  But even with this shift, we may find ourselves entrenched in the protective layering that we created to survive the bleak, cold, wintry days of our past storms.

Hope Continues: storm clouds bring life-giving waters
As a child, did you sit with a friend and name the shapes you saw in the clouds as they floated by: the clouds moving on the winds that changed and reshaped the images before our eyes?

Through the eyes of a child and the lens of imagination, we created relationships that are remembered to this day.  We listened.  We reflected.  We shared.  Through this very human activity of seeking meaning and understanding, our social fabric was created and our spirits  united.

Hope Continues: calm waters reflect Beauty from Above
Looking back on the adult divisions of the past months, I have wondered when I lost the ability or desire to imagine, create, and become that Unity experienced in this childhood activity?
  • Was it when I encountered others different than myself?  Maybe I don't know how to listen.
  • Was it when I made choices that distanced rather than connected?  Maybe I don't see Sacred Worth and Value in Self and Other.
  • Was it when the storm clouds of dissension encouraged caution?  Maybe I remain layered in ways that protect me.
  • Was it when I assumed we could no longer speak our minds without accepting the Truth of Other?  Maybe I want the clouds to reflect only the shapes I see and experience.
Hope Continues: sunrises call forth hope for another day
Clouds teach us to seek out beauty: in a glowing sunrise, Hope dawning for another day; in a fading sunset , reminding us to reflect on the setting day.  Hope Continues from beginning to end when we slow down and notice the colorful scenery of Nature and Humanity surrounding us.  Rising and setting suns with ever-shifting clouds, these mark the passing days of our lives:  moments of Reflection, Awareness, Sharing, and Connection. 

We are told that we are living in historic times.  Is this true because of major players in limited events?  Or is it because each day becomes part of the historical fabric where We have played significant roles?  I choose the latter truthWe are the clouds that shift on the human landscape, creating beautiful and sacred images!  What do you think?
Hope Continues: when we listen and reflect
(Images from New York Times: credits noted online)
Maybe It is time to sit back with a friend and relearn our childhood Lessons of CloudsAs we notice and imagine, share our dreams and thoughts, let's consider these questions this week: 
  • Are there clouds in your life that need to be recognized?
  • What protects you from hearing another truth?
  • How might you reflect on each moment and accept another person's experience?

May this week allow us to seek all the Hopes that Continue!

Larry Gardepie
Dialogue San Diego Consulting

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