Saturday, November 4, 2017

Seeking... to Be Refreshed and Renewed

On a recent trip to Lisbon, Portugal, I noticed that I was enjoying the sites, sounds, tastes, and smells of this city.  It was my first visit, so everything was new and undiscovered.  As I looked up and around, I was aware of similarities to places I have visited, but there was a freshness to these new experiences.

I wondered:

  • Why is it easy for us to overlook the familiar or Ordinary Moments in our lives? 
  • Do our minds become dull and our eyes closed to the Every Day? 
  • Is it possible to see the Wonderful around us when life has become known and routine?
Seeking... Above the Ordinary
(Santa Justa Lift, Lisbon, Portugal)
It may not be practical for us to travel or seek out new places or experiences every week or immerse ourselves in different cultures on a regular basis.  If this assumption is true, maybe it is time for us to consider how to awaken a sense of Curiosity and Wonder about the people and situations we encounter every day.  Maybe it is time to look beyond… to broaden our horizons of what we see.  Maybe it is time to release the ordinariness that limits us and to seek What Will Happen.  In this month of Thanksgiving, is it time to allow gratitude to open us to Life Anew?

Seeking... New Horizons
(Commissioner's House, West End, Bermuda)
On this trip to Lisbon, we came across a broad plaza with several fountains.  Many people were enjoying the beautiful sunny day.  Tourists were gathered on one side of the fountains taking photos, the sun at their back.  (This reminded me: never take a picture into the sun!)

As I walked around the fountain, I noticed the sun playing off the water splashing down from the upper levels.  The water shimmered and sparkled as it sprayed and splashed.  I was mesmerized by the magical radiance of how the water and light played one with the other.

Moving away from the group, exploring new perspectives, allowed me to experience the fountain anew.  As I positioned my camera to capture this magical moment, the ‘Don’t Shoot into the Sun’ admonition played in my mind.  I moved to a position where the sun was hidden behind the fountain… and I was now free to take the photo!

Sometimes, to move out of the ordinary and routine, it may require that we mentally step away from accepted lessons.  To seek a new perspective, we must Desire to See Anew.

Seeking,,, To be Refreshed
(Rossio Square, Lisbon, Portugal)
What happened next?  Tourists taking the traditional or more accepted photo on the one side of the fountain saw what I was doing and came over to check out this new angle!

In the world of dialogue, we talk about becoming vulnerable:  asking for help; letting people know we might not understand; explaining what we are thinking or feeling.  To move from ordinary and to seek a renewed perspective requires Courage to be Vulnerable.

Once we open ourselves to other possibilities, we encounter extraordinary people and are surprised by the goodness in our world.  And just think, moving out and away creates opportunities for others to follow or engage with you differently!

Questions to consider:

  • How would you describe the ordinary events and routines of your life? 
  • What happens when you encounter the unexpected? 
  • In what ways can you renew the ordinary, seek the unexpected, and invite curiosity and surprise into your life?

May this week provide moments where you can step away from the Ordinary and seek to be refreshed by the Shimmer and Sparkle of Life.

Special Note:

This posting marks the beginning of the third year of this Dialogue San Diego blog.  Happy anniversary!

Larry Gardepie
Dialogue San Diego Consulting

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