Sunday, August 30, 2020

What Bothers Me

I admit... I am tired!  Not because of COVID-19 and the guidelines that I am following.  Not because of the extended heat and humidity in the Southwest.  Not because of the natural disasters that are striking many areas of our country.

No, my tiredness comes from the division and disarray in our society.  There are so many reasons to come together and work toward a "more perfect union."  Instead, so many of us -- and myself included! -- are willing to label and accuse others of what is wrong with our world.

It feels so hopeless.  I don't know what to do?

Is your world in disarray?

I have been reviewing dialogue material studied a few years ago... with the hope of unlocking wisdom that has been forgotten.  A number of dialogue program graduates met via Zoom over several days this past week... with a desire to share our experiences and renew our energy.  I have mentored and been mentored... with the hope of understanding.

But, what happens when:

  • Facts are in dispute?
  • People don't want to dialogue (listen, share, and understand)?
  • Truth seems to be in question?

I admit... I am tired!

What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you believe?

What would it be like if we:
  • Set aside our assumptions and judgments?
  • Asked questions to explore another person's views?
  • Sought out aspirations in common (rather than differences that divide)?
I wonder what would happen if we stopped accusing others of lies and untruths and changed our language:
  • What are you experiencing?
  • Help me to understand.
  • How can I help?

Are you willing to add your piece of the Truth?

What vision of America do you have?  Are we there yet?  How do we move forward?

What piece of the puzzle do you have -- that must be shared -- to make this vision complete?  What happens when we exclude others who think differently?  The American Picture will never be complete without you... and without them.

I would pose that every puzzle piece is important and should not be thrown away!
I admit... I am tired!  I guess I am asking for your help to understand what is happening to our country... and how do we come together?  I will miss you if you are not part of the solution.  I hope you miss me if I am excluded.

Larry Gardepie

(click on link for website)

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