Saturday, July 13, 2024

Backstreets of Life

Every once in awhile I have flashbacks of being a teenager.  Yikes!  The newfound freedom... with "parental guidance" (or restrictions!), of course... sports idols... friendships continuing from childhood mixed with expanding social networks... and the peer pressure!  If you stood out, you WANTED to stand out as a trend setter!

Exploration was important, but was oftentimes directed by counselors, youth leaders, and the general framework of cultural norms and societal values.

Do we notice what is hidden?
(Photo: Ketchikan Alley - Larry Gardepie)

People tended to stay on the "Main Streets of Life"... what was known and acceptable for that time.  As I have traveled through my adult years, I have noticed that many tourists stay in the safe touristy locations... oftentimes overcrowding and limiting what can be done, buying the same clothing and trinkets, and coming home with similar stories.

The adventure for me right now is noticing the color and beauty of the Alleyways of Life, those hidden areas we all have where wishes, dreams, and other treasures exist.

Are we willing to explore the road less traveled?
(Photo:  Juneau Lane - Larry Gardepie)

Now don't get me wrong!  I believe that both Main Streets and Alleyways are important!  Both provide the thoroughfares and shortcuts that get us where we want to go in life.  One does not negate the other.

Rather, there is a question for us to consider:  when the time is right for us, are we willing to explore the Road Less Traveled, beautifully phrased and imaged in the Bible and Robert Frost's poem?

Can we see the beauty in different ways of living?
(Photo:  Historic Creek Street, Ketchikan - Larry Gardepie)

The Gift of Exploration opens us to new Ways of Thinking and new Ways of Being.  We return from our Self-Adventures with different perspectives to share with friends and colleagues.  Our souvenir-gathering of images, objects, and memories invites us to consider how expansive Life is and how people have changed and adapted to their surroundings.

The question is:  Can I...?

Larry Gardepie

(click on link for website)

1 comment:

  1. Yes Larry you are certainly a traveler and adventurer. Who would have thought so in traditional Salinas??
