Saturday, July 20, 2024

GPQ* (Growth Potential Quotient)

I once worked for a supervisor who believed that -- at a certain age -- people no longer change.  Being in Human Resources at the time, I thought this a strange conclusion!  I was younger and still idealistic, so I challenged her by pointing to the many ways that employees were adapting to changes the institution was making.  Our conversation ended in a stalemate when she listed many instances where people were resisting these very same changes.

Over time I have wondered if there are answers... Do people stop changing?... When do we stop changing?

Do you recall what life was like when you were younger?
(Photo: Salmonberry, Ketchikan, Alaska - Larry Gardepie)

The only hints I have noticed come in the form of Choice:

  • Change can be forced upon us... so we have a choice in how we respond.
  • Change can stimulate us... we have a choice in how much change to seek out.
  • Change is always present... choice allows us to accept its inevitability.

In these, and so many instances, choice seems to be the constant.

Where do you blossom?
(Photo:  Wild Blue Flax, Juneau's Salmon Creek
- Larry Gardepie)

Besides choice, there are other Life Ingredients that nurture us and encourage us to grow.  (Think of family, faith, and fun.)  When taken out of certain environments, we may not do as well.  Again, there is a choice of noticing who and what encourages us to blossom and flourish... and then seek out these people and places that support and inspire potential.

It may even mean being challenged by situations we don't like!  Remember... we have a choice in how we respond!

When do you feel at peace?
(Photo: Alaskan Lupine and Kenai Peninsula
Mountain Range - Larry Gardepie)

This week I have been in touch with four friends who are in different stages of health issues challenging their concepts of life, mortality, death... and change.  Their Life Reviews have centered on personal growth, potential, and loss.  Each struggle eventually has been visited by Peace:  not a decision to stop change, but a choice and a surrender to accept Life on its terms... not theirs.

I wonder what my GPQ is or will be?  Can I respond in a healthy way to the changes that are already occurring?  Will I reach a peaceful resolution that change happens to all of us... all the time?
Keep changing!

Larry Gardepie

(click on link for website)



  1. Are you open to reflection, discernment, learning new things, etc. then change is possible at at any age.

  2. Rose Marie... I totally agree! It takes work on our part to stay open to our magnificent world... and to adapt to new information and invitations. Thanks for your comment!
