Saturday, August 17, 2024

Seeing Anew

So much happens in our world that we don't see!  That's what I was thinking as I was walking along the shoreline the other day.  Unless we are present and have seen or experienced something, we have to rely on family, friends, work colleagues or some form of media to inform us.

Questions then surface:

  • Which sources do we believe or trust?
  • How do we know what is true or accurate?
  • Do we need to experience it for ourselves?

When have you slowed down and stretched your understanding?
(Photo:  Yoga on the Beach - Larry Gardepie)

Experience, trust, and inquiry are important ingredients to enlighten our narrow views.  Sometimes we go in circles, repeating the same results... that is, until we open ourselves to new information.
It is this openness -- receptivity, interest, acceptance -- that creates Possibilities Unimagined.

What risks must you take to understand others?
(Photo:  Luau Fire Dance - Larry Gardepie)

Yes, openness... and risk!  Are we willing to let go of:
  • What we thought was happening;
  • The conclusions we arrived at;
  • The opinions we made?
And, can we See Anew... that is, gain a broader perspective of our ever-changing world?

Do we see the changes before us?
(Photo:  Pacific Beach, San Diego - Larry Gardepie)

An image that I like to contemplate:
Wave after wave crashes on the people-infested beach, adding to and changing the beach as we know it today.  We stand and frolic in the water, refreshed by the breeze and ocean spray.  The heat of the day is cooled.  Our tiredness is refreshed.
I wonder if I truly understand the changes that are happening... to me, in the moment of being refreshed.... to the shoreline, as the waves slowly reshape what I know... to the sandcastle creations, that melt away with each wave.

Is that the Wisdom of Change:  accepting that change is happening each moment and seeing anew the refreshed landscape of life?

Larry Gardepie

(click on link for website)

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