Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rugged Terrain Ahead: Danger or Hope?

Current wars and threats of war.  Clashes of ideologies erupting in violence on our streets.  Vast wealth amidst daily poverty, homelessness, and starvation.  Record seasonal high and low temperatures with more frequent mega-storms.

It seems that our media sources remind us endlessly of these turbulent times... globally and locally... politically and economically... chaos and order... law and justice...

These thoughts came to mind as I was walking in the Cabrillo National Monument recently.  With the cliffs to my left and the vast ocean to my right, waves pounding on this fragile coastline, I was reminded of the ruggedness faced on both sides: the relentless elements of nature eroding the cliffs and the coastline; the seemingly endless upheaval in many of life's arenas.

Rugged Reality: erosion and danger?
(Cabrillo National Monument, San Diego)
From one vantage point the cliffs seemed to go on and on, but... walking a little further, two views brought a sense of hope:  the Cabrillo lighthouse could be seen above and beyond the insurmountable cliffs, and a set of steps which allowed passage above and away.  I noticed that once I had these two perspectives in mind, I began to see the cliffs and coastline in a new way:  the cliffs and the the coastline were under assault by the relentless elements of nature... AND... the crevasses and tidepools are places of refuge for birds (cliffs) and sea creatures (tidepools)  The energy and turmoil were given new meaning once my perspective changed.

For me, lighthouses and stairs are symbols of hope: the first, a guide leading to a safe place; the second, a pathway leading to another destination.

This quote by the actor, Christopher Reeves, may be important to us as we journey through these tumultuous times: 

"When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is hope.
Once we choose hope, everything is possible."

Looking Beyond:  a lighthouse as a guide to safe harbor

Is the erosion experienced today due to a belief that there is only one way to safety?  Could it be that there are paths that invite us to explore different  conclusions about each other?

I wonder -- as we face difficult topics and conversations with loved ones, friends, and colleagues -- is there a way that we can walk together through fearful and unfamiliar surroundings... searching for one or more aspects of hope:
  • Maybe a place that brings light and comfort, guiding us to a safe harbor?
  • Maybe taking one step at a time... listening... asking questions... trying to understand... helping to move above the discomfort of eroded relationships?

Movement Upward:  leading to safety

It doesn't mean that we let go of what is important to us.  Through dialogue, it may mean that we hear equally what is important to another person.

Questions to consider:
  • How might I advocate a topic, position, or value... and then invite others to ask questions or offer alternative views?
  • In what ways can I listen more fully to new ideas... and discover why these views are important to the other person?
  • Am I willing to walk with another person when there is erosion and danger... and discover together the lighthouse or steps that may move us to a place of safety, to another destination?

May we seek paths of hope and possibilities this week in the midst of these conflicted times!

Larry Gardepie
Dialogue San Diego Consulting


  1. Another terrific blog Larry. Thank you for your wisdom. I love your reflections that always take a deeper look than what meets the eye

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I am inspired by nature's beauty, the people around me, and practitioners like you who share your wisdom as well! Best to you!
