Sunday, February 10, 2019

Passages: Movement Between and Beyond

Passage [pas-ij]:
  • Noun: an act or instance of passing from one place or condition to another; transit.
  • Verb:  to make a passage; cross; pass; voyage.
Each day we wake up and prepare for school or work.  We move from our home to another place.  We switch roles from being a parent, child, brother or sister to that of teacher, student, supervisor, worker, or colleague.  The previous roles still exist, but we are now called to be responsible in a different way.  Even when we retire, we move from one moment of awakening to another as we traverse the day ahead.

Our lives are filled with these Moments of Passage.  And, when we are aware -- when we notice and listen, we are able to distinguish between what is moveable or not; who is willing to listen or not; and how some moments are open to change and discovery... or not. 

Passages:  movement between the immovable

Cruising through the Alaskan waters, I was fascinated by adventurous individuals who were kayaking through the frigid waters.  Here I was bundled up and protected by the ship's environment and many layers of clothes while others chose to discover the beauty of the icebergs and glaciers in a way that put them closer to the water's boundaries.

I wondered:
  • Am I willing to risk vulnerability in order to pass courageously through new discoveries?
  • Am I willing to place myself closer to the boundaries that separate and endanger?
  • Am I willing to ask questions when I listen but don't understand?

Passages:  movement between vulnerability and courage

Dialogue provides moments of passage which allow us to move above and beyond words of disagreement.  Through the learned skill of advocacy and inquiry, we can move from trying to persuade others of the Truth-I-Hold towards exploration and understanding.  By sharing our thought processes, we discover how conclusions were reached and whether these are still valid.  Together, we can rise above our limited views and seek a wider perspective.

Passages:  movement above and beyond
What previously seemed like slow-moving and sometimes immovable glacial fronts in our relationships can begin to break down, providing passage through melting emotion-bergs.  Our lifetime is dotted with instances where we were invited to pass from one condition to another.  Did we take advantage of those moments?  Do we have the courage today?

May this week provide passage moments:  where advocacy, inquiry, and explaining our thought processes can open new passages of understanding!

Larry Gardepie

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