Sunday, October 9, 2016

Dilemmas, Mystery, and Impact: Hummingbird Wings and Ripples

Recent events of shootings, political discourse, and past words or actions have become reminders of the complexity of our daily lives.  Simple answers no longer solve years of misunderstandings and entrenched beliefs.  Possibly, we are entangled in a shared dilemma:  how do we move into more positive relationships of trust, understanding, and acceptance?

'Red', one of the presenters at a recent dialogue retreat, talked about Mystery: as we learn about ourselves or reveal ourselves to others, we become aware that there is still so much we don't know.  He encouraged us during one of the breaks to stand before a tree... and just be present to that tree.  No need for action.  The Gift of Mystery is opened to us when we are present, when we are aware of the experience.
Mystery Revealed: being present
At one point while walking around the retreat grounds, I came across a cluster of flowers.  I stood still, taking in the color, noticing the delicate petals, and becoming conscious of how the gentle breeze caused the flowers to sway.  A Moment of Mystery was unfolding!

I took out my phone to capture the moment with a photo, and as I was ready to snap the picture, I recalled Red's invitation: be present; no action is necessary.  A dilemma!  Do I take the photo (action) or not (presence)?

The dilemma increased when a hummingbird came into focus in the phone's lens!  The hummingbird was so close I could hear the hum from its wings!  Presence or Action?  Augh!  I took the picture!

The Impact of One:
A twelve-year old boy disrupts an anti-gay parade
I pondered this dilemma:  the invitation to be present to Mystery and my impulse to take action.  I wondered about the Impact on Mystery.  Is it a  matter of always being present with no action?  Is it taking action without awareness?  Or, is it not noticing the impact on the situation?  As we encounter Dilemmas of Choice, do we take action without reflecting on the actions, the choices, and the opportunities to act differently?

Some events may be so hurtful or abusive where immediate action is necessary.  Other events may allow time to slow down and engage in creative solutions.  In all situations, maybe a question must arise: how have I impacted the situation?

The Impact of Many:  Interconnectedness
(Butterfly or Ripple Effect, Awakening People)
The Butterfly Effect is a concept used when describing complex systems (e.g., weather forecasting, chaos theory).  It poses a question of whether a butterfly flapping its wings in one region can affect the weather in another part of the world.

As we practice Dialogue skills, I have come to understand that my assumptions, thoughts, and conclusions about you do impact how I react to you.  Slowing down and noticing my emotions and reactions towards our shared situation, allows me time to question these assumptions and conclusions... and choose a new way to be present to you.  A mysterious relationship between presence, choice, and action!

Waiting.  Patiently.  Each blooming in its own time.
The Mystery of our encounters is that we are constantly revealing something new about ourselves!  When you grow and change, I am invited to grow and change as well!

It is as if the Mystery Revealed is only a sampling of what we might become, but it is not totally us.  And as we encounter the Mystery Unrevealed, we may find that what we revealed earlier is not complete or wasn't whole or might need to be changed.

An image from childhood:  I loved bumper cars!  It was a time to safely 'run into' another person.  We would laugh as we bumped and bounced and were forced to move in new directions.  I wonder where this playful fun and discovery went?  Maybe the dilemmas we encounter allow us to open New Mystery about Self and Other:  an invitation to gently bump, bounce, and move outward as impact happens, wings flutter, and ripples expand. 
Questions to consider this week:
  • What is your immediate reaction to the word:  Dilemma?  Mystery?
  • How do you encounter another person: As a Dilemma?  As a Mystery?
  • How would you describe your impact on a specific situation?

May any situation you encounter this week draw forth opportunities to experience the Mystery of Self and Other!

Larry Gardepie

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